Monday, February 23, 2009

Beer Review: Koningshoeven Quad

Quad, Koningshoeven

The Quad pours with a thin white head that dissipates quickly. There is no lacing to speak of other than a thin white ring around the edge of the glass just floating on the beer.

The nose is met initially with a moderately sweet malty aroma. There is a light, almost honey-like aroma behind the malt with a mild bitter citrus aroma. The background aroma is more like a bitter orange rind than anything, and blends beautifully with the honey-malt aroma. These aromas are all reinforced by a strongly floral set of esters from the yeast.

This one is a dark amber color with a light haze. There are several dozen columns of carbonation bubbles rising to the surface.

The tip of the tongue is met with a sharp sting from the traditionally high level of carbonation seen in Belgian beers. The sides of the tongue get a candy-like sweetness, while the rest of the mouth gets a combination of a syrupy sweetness, a touch of hops bitterness, some orange flavor, and a hint of bread. Initially, the alcohol blends with the rest of the flavors and not distinguishable. The aftertaste leaves a fair bit of alcohol warmth, like the last lingering warmth from a shot of whiskey.

After the initial sharpness of the carbonation, the beer has a thinner syrup-like quality akin to what 100% pure maple syrup would have.

The flavors work really well together, making it seem like someone mixed syrup with some orange rinds and some flowers. If you're looking for a quad that isn't as overly thick as some others tend to be, this is the one. None of the flavors is over powering, and they all seem to blend really well. Absolutely delicious. Highly recommended.

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