Saturday, September 6, 2008

I now have geek +10!

Cosmic arrived a couple days ago. It took a while to get here after the auction cause I bought it from one of them Canadians. It's only the basic game, meaning I have two expansions to get (though Swilly has an extra copy of More Cosmic and I have beer for him in exchange), but this basic set was fucking worth the $175. It's in nearly perfect condition. The box looks like was just taken out of the shrink-wrap except that the corners are a little bit worn. The guy said he bought it years ago cause he heard it was awesome, then punched out the tokens, and promptly never played the game. So now it's mine! The cards look like they've never been shuffled and the alien power cards are pristeen. I'm hoping that sometime after the Ithaca Brewfest today I can get some Rochester folks playing.